Thursday, March 14, 2013

Positive accountability, is there such a thing?

The Oz Principles book coverAccountability. Most people cringe at the word. Defined as "subject to having to report, explain or justify responsibility" it's not not rainbows and ponies. It's a word that follows you throughout many different sectors of your life. It's not a job thing... or a home thing... It's a YOU thing. But, what most don't realize is that it doesn't have to be a bad thing.

During our monthly departmental meeting yesterday, we watched a webinar on The Oz Principles which is a must read for individuals who are compelled to improve their performance.  They refer to accountability in two ways; above the line and below the line.

Oz Principles, Above or below the line

If you are above the line, you ask "What more can I do?" whereas if you are below the line you think "There's no solution" and feel victimized and stressed. It's o.k. to be below the line, for a minute or two, but it's ineffective to live there. Everyone feels stress or needs to complain every once in awhile. But once you get it out of your system, move back up!

It's a personal choice to rise above ones circumstances and demonstrate the ownership necessary for achieving key results.

The Blame Game:
  • ignore or deny
  • finger pointing
  • cover your ass
  • wait and see mentality
  • confusion
  • not my job
People below the line stop playing to win and
start playing not to lose. 

Accountable people seek feedback. They see the bigger picture. Your employees are motivated by money. They are even more motivated by good leaders. But... they are most motivated by being part of a cause. 

I will continue to blog on additional information I learn. The Oz Principles seems to be a very powerful tool to continued positive development and building of winning teams and individuals.

Big changes are sometimes easier than you think.

Week 1, day 3 at Page 1 Solutions. After 7 1/2 years at Armada Medical Marketing, I made the leap and switched companies. Given that I was focusing most of my spare time learning more about search engine optimization (SEO), I reasoned I may as well be making money doing it! 

During my time at Armada Medical, I wore a lot of hats. I worked in every department but design (we are all thankful for that, trust me.) That job provided me with experience, the ability to build a reputation within the marketing world and give me the confidence that I needed to move on (and up).

Page 1 Solutions, SEO Internet Marketing
Page 1 Solutions is a full-service SEO and internet marketing agency for for Attorneys & Lawyers, Dentists, Plastic Surgery and Ophthalmology. With my new position focusing more on client interactions and less focus on the project management, I will have around 35 clients instead of five. With 50 percent of my day at Armada Medical going to administrative work around keeping an account clean, active and healthy- I am not going to miss invoicing!

I'm excited for my new journey and know it will be a great new family.
